Given the current needs and production constraints, and the availability of multi-omics tools, it would be relevant to examine the application of these approaches in chile pepper breeding and improvement. Recent developments in "multi-omics," that is, the simultaneous application of multiple omics approaches to study biological systems, have allowed the genetic dissection of important phenotypes.

While progress has been made, the use of conventional breeding approaches has yet to fully address producer and consumer demand for these traits in available cultivars. Among the traits of interest for genetic improvement include yield, disease resistance, flavor, and mechanical harvestability. The New Mexico State University (NMSU) Chile Pepper Breeding Program continues to serve as a key player in the development of improved chile pepper varieties for growers and in discoveries that assist plant breeders worldwide.

The presence of major diseases, low yields, decreased acreages, and costs associated with manual labor limit production in all growing regions of the world. The official state question, "Red or Green?" refers to the preference for either red or the green stage of chile pepper, respectively, reflects the value of these important commodities. For more than hundreds of years, chile peppers have "defined" the state of New Mexico, USA. For recreation there is a nearby wilderness area for hiking, horseback riding, hunting, camping and more.Chile pepper (Capsicum spp.) is a major culinary, medicinal, and economic crop in most areas of the world. Nearby you will find other walnut, pistachio, olive, almond orchards, lavender farms, row crops, horse ranches, and other livestock ranches. The Capay Valley is known for its organic, conventional and hobby farms, good soils, and recreation. The property is fenced on 3 sides and is under the provisions of the Williamson Act. There are also several different suitable building sites to develop your dreams, whether it is second home, horse facility, or local farming business this is the perfect property. This property you can farm yourself or have a local farm management company do it for you. Climb to the top of the hill and enjoy the amazing views of the Capay Valley with your friends and family. There is approximately 20 acres west of the orchard that is suitable for livestock and wildlife habitat. The ag well includes a 30-horsepower turbine pump, 25 horsepower booster pump and produces approx. shop, a producing 32-acre walnut orchard with an efficient micro-sprinkler irrigation system. This property includes a domestic well, a 1,960 sq. This home is move-in ready and could be rented for current market rents. Currently it includes a recently updated (2018) 3-bedroom, 2 bath home. This centrally located property is comprised of 56+/- deeded acres and has multiple uses. Two hours from the San Francisco Bay Area. Great location, 5 minutes past the Cache Creek Resort on California Highway 16, One hour from downtown Sacramento. Located in Western Yolo County within Northern California's last little gem is a place known as the Capay Valley. New Price! Now Priced At Appraised Value! The Charter Ranch.